Beyond the waiting room lies a world of crazy. C’mon in.

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  • The Elite Athlete's Mom

    The Elite Athlete's Mom

    The trials and tribulations of the elite athlete’s parents.
    And the humble doctors who serve them.

  • The High Cost of Medicine

    The High Cost of Medicine

    “Beware the ad man who buys his own hype.”
    We’re bombarded with medical ads and “success” stories, but still don’t feel so good. Why, then, does it all cost so much?

  • Dr. Confidential: HIPAA Zen Master

    Dr. Confidential: HIPAA Zen Master

    HIPAA patient privacy rules are paramount to good care. Which is why my doctor’s office has those signs,
    ”In the interest of patient confidentiality—please don’t speak to me.”

  • State of the Art Hip Replacement?

    State of the Art Hip Replacement?

    When “Minimally Invasive” surgery goes a bit too far. A patient asks her surgeon for an “incision-less hip replacement,” and he tries to explain, “Not everything you read in airplane magazines is real.”